Professional Accreditation - A.C.C.I.
Before you hire a lawyer, an accountant, a property manager, an insurance agent an engineer or a realtor, check their condominium credentials.
Practicing law and practicing condominium law are not one and the same. Practicing property management and practicing condominium property management are two very different endeavors. Condominium audits and reserve fund studies require expertise in condominium matters.
The Canadian Condominium Institute accredits specialists in the field of condominiums from coast to coast. As Canadas only Federally charted non-profit service organization devoted exclusively to condominiums, the Canadian Condominium Institute is here to advise and assist you in choosing a competent qualified specialist. The ACCI designation assures that an individual has experience in servicing condominiums and has been successfully examined in the individuals specialty by the Institute.
If you are a professional member of the Canadian Condominium Institute you should seriously consider applying for your professional accreditation. Successful candidates are entitled to use the designatory letters "ACCI" as recognition of their high degree of skill, professionalism and outstanding achievements.
Candidates for the A.C.C.I. accreditation must be a professional member of CCI for at least one year, have at least three years of professional condominium experience, have contributed to the condominium community by teaching courses, writing articles, participating in seminars or providing other services and successfully complete the A.C.C.I. examination. For further information please contact the CCI Windsor - Essex County Chapter chapter at (519) 978-3237.