CCI Windsor Chapter News
June 2015 CCI National Leadership Conference a Huge Success!
Wow! Seventy five leaders representing seventeen chapters from across Canada descended on Windsor June 3 for three days of business, discussion and brain storming.
This was the largest gathering in the history of CCI National. We were proud to host them.
The Canadian Condominium Institute is the voice of condominiums throughout Canada. While condominiums are provincially legislated, challenges as to how they are managed, successes and concerns know no boundaries. Bringing together all chapters to share ideas, discuss strategies and plan going forward revitalizes and energizes those in attendance and spills over to their home chapters. Two conferences are held each year. In June 2015 Windsor – Essex County stepped up to the challenge.
The conference would not have been as such a success had it not been for the sponsors. Five businesses stepped up to as platinum sponsors - Thiek-Yoker, Injury Law Group, Elia and Associates, Gordon Lee, Chartered Accountants and Smith Valeriote, LLP, CCI National. Our gold sponsor was Alpine Property Restoration Services. Silver sponsors were Cohen Highley, London and WSP. Bronze sponsors: Bruce Rand, PBL Insurance, Gardiner Miller Arnold and RBC securities, Steve Mayo and Robyn Molyneau, and Huron Shores Property Management.
And to our Saturday Seminar presenters – Jim Allison - Vancouver, Doug Shanks - Thunderbay, and Stephen Cassady – Calgary a huge thank you for rounding out the three days with a great session.
And last but by no means least, a huge thank you for all the hard work from Cheryl Valley, Lise Allaire, Lynn McLean and Bill Norris. While it was work, it was fun and well worth it. Without you it would not have been the success it was. The conference put Windsor Essex County on the map and showed the larger chapters that while we are one of the smallest, we could pull off an awesome event.
Janet Porteous, Chair.